Thrifty & Chic: Swapping Clothes

June 30, 2011
Saturday, I packed all of my ill-fitting clothes in the back of the car & headed for a bloggy swap meet & pool party. I actually spent zero time in my swimsuit (the water was a bit cold), but I did show it off to everyone there (seriously, I love my suit this year).


Here I am unpacking my goodies. I'm the most under dressed there!


Here are all the lovely ladies who attended.

I met some really lovely women & I'm so excited to see how they end up wearing & styling my old clothes!! I found some great stuff there and I'm so excited to refashion a few things. If you want to see how I end up wearing those finds, be sure to subscribe to my fashion blog. undefined

all of the above photos can be found here, taken by Jessica.

I had a great time eating delicious treats, getting some new duds & getting to know bloggers I've never met in real life. Truly, all of the things I did last weekend were a testimony of why I blog: friends & crafting.
This halter wrap dress was one of the items I scored at the swap. I love the print & the skirt part. I'm tempted to refashion it into a skirt. Sorry the photo is blurry & gross. The lighting the last couple of days has been less than desirable in the studio. You get the idea, though. I found this wrap skirt (that I wore on Sunday) there, too. I love both of these pieces, but I know for sure I would've completely walked past both of them in a thrift store or any store for that matter. I don't do wraps. Well, not until now anyway. Here's a list of bloggers that were there: Cotton and Curls • Wearing It On My Sleeves • Sweet Serendipity • Meet Virginia Design • Frills & Bils • Feather's Flights • the stationery place • Life of a Passeri • Living on the Chic • Crowley Party • yours, mine & ours • Livy Love • madison avenue • brooke passion • A Day in The Life • Exhibit 221 • Harley & Jane • Snarky Drea • My Nutshell • The Sisters 4 say MORE is more... It's so fun to have a bunch of new pieces to brighten up my wardrobe that didn't cost a thing! Have you participated in a swap before? I definitely want to do it again.

Let's Go to the Zoo

June 28, 2011
It was like 95º today, so wearing thick denim probably wasn't a great idea. Still, it's been years since I've worn these, so it was nice to bust them out. It was also fun to go to the Zoo with the chilluns.
  • earrings: thrifted, $1
  • hairclip: hello shiso, $3
  • necklaces: Vintage Oddity, $18, In Honor of Design, c/o IHOD ($18)
  • top: Walmart, $4
  • bracelet: handmade
  • denim: TJ Maxx - Paper Denim, $10
  • shoes: Ross, $17
TOTAL: $53 ($71)

Swapped Halter

June 28, 2011
  I'm not one to ever buy something that I have to wear an extra layer with, but this dress was free & the pattern is totally adorable.
  • hairclip: hello shiso, $3
  • bracelet: handmade
  • earrings: Payless, won in a giveaway
  • cardi: ModBod, c/o MB ($35)
  • dress: swapped
  • shoes: thrifted Nine West, $5
TOTAL: $8 ($43)  

Refashion for Penelope

June 28, 2011
This might possibly be my favorite refashion I've done for Penelope to date. I had two shirts (that I loved quite a bit, actually) that both met sad fates. undefined The first (left) shrunk so small, I seriously didn't have to take it in much on the sides (maybe a half inch) in order to fit Penelope. The second (right) got a few too many stains right at the bust line. It's not like my bust sticks out at all, so it's hilarious that that particular area was a magnet for stains. undefined It was sad to see them leave my regular wardrobe rotation, but at least I have a daughter who can wear them in hers! Here's what I did:
  • I took in the pink shirt about a half inch on both sides
  • lopped off the bottom half of the pink shirt
  • lopped off the top 7-8 inches of the striped shirt
  • gathered the striped shirt with a baste stitch
  • pinned (right sides together) the striped shirt to the pink top
  • sewed the two together (using the jersey stitch which looks like this: --^--^--^)
  • removed the gathered stitch
  • ironed
undefined The striped shirt came with the little sash, so I just wrapped that around her tiny waist twice & tied a little knot. I LOVE how this looks on her. Seriously, the bright pink is such a fabulous color on Miss P. Overall this refashion took about 30 minutes. It was so incredibly sweet to see her reaction when I presented the new dress to her. She squealed, "Ooo, mommy! It's a princess dress!" undefined Aww. . . Pen, you know how to make your mom feel special. She was also surprisingly good about posing for me. Sometimes she's so excited about pictures she doesn't sit still for the 1/125th of a second shutter release, but she was more than happy to accomodate on Friday afternoon. Speaking of cameras. . . I'm selling my Nikon D200. I'm also selling my Sony handycam 40GB hard drive HD video camera, too (as if that wasn't a mouthful). Contact me if you're interested.

Do I Think I'm 20 again?

June 27, 2011
When I was telling my dad about all of the fun things I did this weekend (and how late I was out), I could tell he was shaking his head when he asked me, "Do you think you're 20 and in college again?" I had more than my fair share of fun this last weekend. In fact, I feel a little guilty that I was gone so much, but that still didn't stop me from having a blast. Thursday night I went out with some of the ladies in the neighborhood (you can see what I wore here). We had a fabulous dinner & such a great time getting to know each other better. undefined

Jenn, Amy, Me, Ashlee, Sarah (LeAnn took the pic)

Friday night I had the pleasure of hanging out with a few old friends & meeting some new ones while we crafted up a storm. Elmer's provided us with all of the tools, we just had to bring our own paper & have a project in mind. My friend, Annie, had made a hand-cut P for Penelope's second birthday (see it here) and now that Felix is going to be joining Penelope in her room in the next little bit, I thought I'd make him a matching one.

I drafted the F backwards before I cut it. This F is 100% analog!

Here are better pics of my projects:


I could've easily just designed something on the computer & cut it out with my Silhouette, but it was nice to get out the ruler & pencil to hand draft Felix's F. It's been a while since I've done something analog like that. It took about an hour to draft & cut the F, so while we were chatting, I thought I'd play around with more of my paper & did a little free form hand cut design. I'm not quite sure where I'm going to put it, but I like how it turned out. It reminds me of my high school graphics days when I'd hand cut ruby-lith for silkscreening tshirts. It's been 8 years since I took that class (and how many moves? at least 8) and I still have some of my original hand-cuts.

undefinedI may have eaten like 10 of these. Oreo + cream cheese + chocolate = heaven

We had a great time over at Ashlee's house chatting, projecting and eating that we didn't start wrapping things up until around 11:30. Even then, I couldn't stop visiting. It wasn't until nearly 1:30 that I made my way home. I wonder why Chris let me out of the house on Saturday for another meet up! Oh Chris, you always let me do what I want. You need a major award. Did you do anything fun this weekend? I sure hope you did. I'll be posting about Saturday's swap meet as soon as I have some pics to share. I'm excited to show you a few cool pieces I snagged while there!

Swapped Sunday Best

June 27, 2011
  • top: Ruche, $35
  • wrap skirt: swapped
  • shoes: Uptown Cheapskate, $30
TOTAL: $65

Behind the times

June 24, 2011
Right now I'm 2-3 days  behind on my work. Last weekend both Chris & I were under the weather and this week has just been about trying to stay afloat. I've got mending & refashions to do, dresses to make, rooms to finish (!!), design work to do & fun parties to attend. Things are crazy, but I've had a fabulous week full of projects, potty training & friends. I'm going to be a little MIA for the next few days until I get a big collaborative design project done (can't wait to share it with you!). undefined I've been collaborating with Jill on some future designs & I need to tell you - she is one talented lady! Her work is absolutely fabulous. It was a thrill to get her gorgeous invites in the mail a couple of weeks ago. Not only was her invitation gorgeously designed, but she hand addressed the envelope in her pretty, slanted calligraphy. Short of showing you my full address, you get the idea. undefined I did manage to get a little caught up on my outfit posts. When I don't have time to take a picture of an outfit that I'd like to share on my fashion blog, I put those clothes in a little pile in my studio for later. Yesterday I took 3 different outfit pics. I'd say they all turned out rather nicely. undefined

• casual father's day outfit •

• denim & brown outfit •

• fancy girl's night outfit •

I've been in a clothing rut lately, so I'm feeling particularly bored & annoyed with my clothes. Tomorrow I'm meeting up with a bunch of stylish bloggers for a clothing swap! I really can't wait. What are your plans for the weekend? Have a wonderful weekend!!  

Right Now

June 23, 2011
I'm headed off for a ladies' night. Can't wait!
  • dress: thrifted & refashioned, $4
  • belt: thrifted, $1
  • shoes: thrifted DV, $4
TOTAL: $11

A Little Bit

June 23, 2011
When the weather's not great or I don't have time to take a pic of my outfit, I set it in a pile. This is an outfit from a little bit ago.
  • top: thrifted, refashioned, $6
  • necklace: in honor of design, c/o IHOD
  • belt: thrifted, $1
  • skirt: ModBod, c/o MB
  • shoes: thrifted DV, $4
TOTAL: $11 ($79)

Casual Father's Day Outfit

June 23, 2011
  • top: Walmart, $4
  • necklace: handmade by my dad
  • skirt: Tulle, $25
  • shoes: thrifted Nine West, $4
TOTAL: $33

The Feli-Monster

June 22, 2011
Last Friday, Felix turned 4 months old & had a well-checkup. Oh. My. I'm raising a monster. He weighed in at 17lbs 5oz with a gigantic 17.5" head. That's off-the-charts huge for a four month old. The doc said, "I know a lot of 9 month olds that would love to weigh that much!" undefined

Look at those rolls!undefined

Since things are usually more than a little hectic around here, Felix doesn't get very many photo ops. I thought I would take the time to have a little session with him while Penelope was napping. I was a little distracted because I was talking on the phone pretty much the whole time, though. Why do I always feel like I have to be multi-tasking? I'm crazy.undefined

This one might be my favorite. He ALWAYS smiles like this. What a sweet smile!


Thrifty & Chic: Glasbake Soup Bowls

June 21, 2011
On our way to the Tracy Aviary to hang out with friends & family, we were running early so I thought I'd check out the newest DI (for you Utah locals - it's the one in Sugarhouse). I've heard that thrift shop grand openings can be pretty lack lustre. This one wasn't terribly disappointing, although I did notice that some of their prices were a bit higher than normal. Not terrible, though. undefined It was a circus there, though. An employee passed me with a rolling cart full of new donations (that's when I spied the above bowls) and as soon as I started following her, a crowd of about 15 people swarmed around the crate like piranhas! Thankfully no one seemed interested in the bowls, so I discretely ushered them into my cart. I spent $4.50 on the set of 6 bowls. A steal in my opinion. They tend to go for $4 per bowl around the interwebs. I'm slowly working on organizing my kitchen cupboards with matching serving ware. Right now I've decided that I'm going for an all-white approach with a mix of orange & olive green accent pieces. I'm wanting to totally revamp my kitchen cupboards & get them perfectly organized & matching. I've always had an obsession with all-matching (or cohesive) serve ware. I've also decided that I'm collecting yellow containers of any shape & size. I already have 5 or six. The above yellow container was 50¢ and the southwest-inspired scarves were also 50¢ each. undefined Isn't Penelope so cute? She loved seeing the Flamingos today. I just couldn't help but share this sweet pic my sister-in-law took. I'll be taking pics of sweet Felix this afternoon. I'll be sharing those with you soon. He's getting so big! So. . . have you found any good deals? I was impressed with your awesome finds from last week. Meredith found a gorgeous Lotus pendant lamp for $30 (we also have twinner chairs - she scored her pair for $30)! Kat found an arrow coat rack for $1 that I'm SUPER jealous of. Vintage Scapes found gorgeous vera scarves for $3. Heather found a gorgeous white coat for $10, then tailored it. You look fab, Heather! Please share links to your fun, cheap finds in the comments! I'd love to see!

My New iPhone Case

June 20, 2011
I've tried a couple of different leather DIY versions of the iPhone case, but nothing has been quite right for how I use my iPhone. Er. . . I mean the way Penelope uses my iPhone. I've needed a case to protect this bad boy from the carelessness of a 3 year old. About 5 months ago I started looking for one that I could customize & found Uncommon. Last Friday I finally got around to designing one for myself. undefined undefined I've been stewing over what to put on my case for 5 months! Gosh, you'd think I was designing my own tattoo or something. After I got something I was happy with, I ordered & waited. I'm so excited to have a case that has my style written all over it & protects my phone from Penelope. undefined The graphic nature of my repeat pattern was heavily inspired by the amazing work of Jessica Hische (read: one of THE most talented typographic designers ever). The coloring was inspired by Jen's GLCB poster idea. I opened a photo of mine in photoshop, blurred the heck out of it and changed the hue/saturation until I found something I liked; turquoise & neon pink. At this point, it's nowhere even close to the original. Then I masked the image with my pattern. I love the depth it gives the pattern. I love my new case & the pattern on it! If I were to do it all over again, though, I would've scaled the pattern a little larger for more dramatic effect. undefined Just a little FYI about uncommon: their shopping cart & customization is SO user-friendly & pretty. I was also quite surprised at their turn around. I ordered the case late Friday night & it shipped on Monday morning. It was in my hands within the week. Not bad for something so custom.    

SouthWestern Menswear Refashioned

June 16, 2011
I just used my new dressform for the first time! It really does make a difference when tailoring/refashioning clothing. I couldn't have achieved this kind of fit if I didn't have my trusty dress form. undefined I found this great button-up at the Tooele DI while out on a little excursion with Sarah (one of my many thrifting idols). We both were in love with the embroidered arrows on it. Arrows are so hot right now. Have you noticed? The first thing I saw when I first laid eyes on this beauty was a tailored skirt. With pockets. Here's what I had in mind: I don't really ever share these little sketches, but Jill says I should. So I will. I had envisioned switching the buttons in the front to the back & using the sleeves for pockets & doing a drop pocket in the front. I originally thought it'd be easier & faster than it was, but as I was going along, I made sure not to take any shortcuts which added to the time considerably. undefined I usually take shortcuts; just little ones here & there, but as I've refashioned more & more, it's not worth it to spend the time to refashion something if I'm not going to do it right the first time. It's pretty crucial to finish edges & hems properly. It takes a bit more time, but it looks SO much more professional. I started on this little project around 7pm and finished at about 2am. I ended up having to unpick everything in order to get the shape I want & that took about two hours. Every seam was finished with a regular stitch, a top stitch & a surged edge. It's a lot more work when you have to unpick 3 sets of threads per seam. undefined I'm really proud of the final product. I feel like it looks polished & not at all like it was originally a mens shirt. What do you think? Would you have passed this shirt up in the thrift store? To see the full outfit & all the other outfit details, click here.

• U P D A T E •

To answer your questions, I originally thought that it'd be better to have the buttons along the back, so that when I sit down they don't pucker & reveal my whitie tighties. I did have to sew in two hook & eyes; one above the top button and one in between the first & second buttons, because of puckering, but that fixed the problem.

I've worn this skirt all day: at the park, at the computer, on the couch, in the car & it's been incredibly comfy! None of the buttons have popped open (that can be a problem with front button dresses) and I haven't even noticed the buttons while sitting. Not quite sure I would've thought about this approach if I didn't already have a dress that buttons up the back.

Western Arrows

June 16, 2011
  • necklace: Vintage Oddity, $18
  • top: Walmart, $4
  • skirt: thrifted & refashioned, $6
  • shoes: swapped
TOTAL: $28

Easy Floral Outfit

June 15, 2011
It was hot today! Yikes. Wearing a dress sure helped keep me from sweating puddles.
  • dress: thrifted & refashioned, $6
  • skinny belt: thrifted, $1
  • fat belt: handmade
  • shoes: some boutique in Brazil, $10
TOTAL: $17  

Leather & Elastic Belt

June 14, 2011
This is the most comfy belt I've made to date. Just last night I discovered that I actually CAN sew leather with my sewing machine. Turns out the "leather" needle that I had used in the past was really dull. Now that I have a legit, sharper than sharp leather needle, my machine handles the leather just fine. Now I'm going crazy thinking of all the awesome things I can make with leather. Leather skirt? Leather boxes? Leather purse? OH, you have no idea how excited this makes me. undefinedundefinedAlso, it turns out that sewing leather is even more satisfying than sewing through paper. Not quite sure how that's possible, but it is. Using this 3" elastic, I made an über comfy wide belt. You know how some belts just don't budge as you move? or it's just too loose? With the elastic that problem is solved. undefined I had originally planned on making a really elaborate belt, but as I was working on the project, I decided to keep it simple. I'm glad I did. This belt is also perfect for layering with other belts. I love the layered effect. undefined Have you tried sewing leather with a machine? What are your thoughts about it? To see details on the full outfit, click here. Elastic courtesy of


June 14, 2011
  • necklace: handmade by my dad
  • dress: Forever 21, $15
  • black belt: handmade
  • grey belt: thrifted, $1
  • shoes: Aldo, $65
TOTAL: $81 undefined

Molasses Ice Cream

June 13, 2011
We had some friends over on Saturday & while the kiddies were playing with playdough, one of them asked for ice cream. I remembered that I had heavy cream on hand, so I thought I'd whip up a batch. Unfortunately, I couldn't find my ice cream recipe book. Before I looked up a recipe online, my friend told me that she had a recipe that would be great. The recipe called for 1/4 cup of maple syrup - which I didn't have - so I ended up with this happy little discovery: undefined Molasses Cookie Ice Cream! undefined I used molasses instead of maple syrup. Since the ice cream doesn't call for much sugar at all, it's not incredibly sweet. Which I like. But to add a little bit more sweetness & depth to the simple ice cream, I rolled each scoop in ginger, cinnamon & sugar. Oh, it's good. It's the perfect amount of sweet. This particular recipe (probably because of the 2 cups of cream it calls for) sets up really well in the ice cream maker. undefined


  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup molasses
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 2 cups heavy cream
Mix the egg yolks, sugar, vanilla and molasses well. Add the milk and blend well. Stir the cream just until blended. Pour into ice cream maker! Once it's just about set, put ice cream in the freezer to finish setting up– about 2-3 hours. Scoop balls of ice cream onto a cookie tray & put them back into the freezer for a couple minutes. Add cinnamon, sugar & ginger (to taste) into a bowl. Remove ice cream scoops from freezer & roll in sugar mixture. Serve. Makes about 18 scoops. (adapted from this recipe) Now that it's finally warming up, I'm going to be making ice cream & granitas quite often. Growing up, we made it a tradition to make ice cream often during the summer. My favorite was making blackberry sorbet out of the fresh berries from my mom's incredible garden. Do you make home made ice cream?

Skip to My Lou Craft Camp

June 10, 2011
I'm over at Skip to My Lou today sharing how to make this lovely summer-appropriate scarf. Don't you just love this fabric? I found it at JoAnn's & was surprised to find that it's double-sided after I got home! SCORE! It's the perfect sort of craft to do with friends and/or while catching up on your shows! Click here to see the full how-to.

Penelope's Patriotic Outfit

June 10, 2011
Penelope looked much too cute today. I couldn't pass this little photo opportunity up. And, she naturally poses just like that. What a ham.
  • hat: handmade from free fabric
  • top: thrifted (yesterday), $2
  • shorts: thrifted (also yesterday), $1
  • shoes: thrifted, $3
TOTAL: $6 She sat down & went through patty cake while I was snapping away. Wish my camera had a video mode. Total Cuteness Overload.

Thrifty & Chic: A Chair with No Name

June 9, 2011
I know I've already shared one T&C item for this week, but I couldn't help myself with this one. OH. MY. GOSH. It's my favorite chair. While running some errands with Penelope the other day, I thought I'd stop in Thrift Town (a thrift store I used to go to in high school, but haven't gone to since). I'd heard they'd upped their prices a lot more than Savers & DI, but I checked it out anyway. undefined It was almost refreshing to go to Thrift Town. It was like there was a whole different demographic of people donating & shopping there, so there were some pretty unique things there. I found this gorgeous chair sitting triumphantly atop a large shelf. I knew I had to have it. It was $8; a little more than I'm used to spending on chairs at thrift stores, but well worth it. I'm not going to complain. undefined I wish I knew what brand/designer and era this chair was from. There are no markings indicating anything like that. Any of you savvy folks out there know possibly where this chair is from? I'm so in love with it, I think this baby needs a mate. Have you found any good deals lately? A couple weeks ago, Heather scored a large ring of skeleton keys for $1, Faith scored a Pottery Barn crib sheet set (retail $170) for $15 and Laura (I just saw this OMG) scored a BCBG bag for $1! Please share links in the comments. I love to see what you've found recently. And again, if you can help find the chair a name/designer, that'd be killer. Speaking of good deals, our complex is hosting a community-wide yard sale this Saturday! I've got a couple of things I'll be putting out on the lawn, but I'm mostly excited to troll around & see if I can score anything sweet. Email me if you want to swing by. I'll get you the address.

Fun Things to do with Leather Feathers

June 8, 2011
Last week, in preparation for my little TV debut, I made a leather feather headband using the pattern pieces from the Fringed Feather necklace tutorial. It took about 10 minutes to make & practically cost nothing. I had all of the supplies on hand - but if I had to price it out, I believe it cost somewhere around 25¢. TOTAL. undefinedundefined I love this leather! It's so smooth & soft and the tips of the feathers curl out, which I love. All I did was cut out the little pattern pieces & glue them onto a headband & glued felt underneath the leather for sturdiness. Simple! undefined

photo by Michael Ann

Michael Ann, whipped up some adorable little earrings using two-toned leather she found at JoAnn's. She didn't even have all the right tools on hand, but she was able to make do, no sweat! Don't you love the heart rivets? To see how she wore them & read the details of her experience, check out her blog.   Obviously a lot of the tutorials I've published are for a specific project, but I love it when people get creative & expand on the tutorial!

Thrifty & Chic: Glamping Boots

June 7, 2011
Have you noticed this glamping trend that's been popping up on all the big design sites like Frolic, Blah Blah BlahgOh, Hello Friend? I started noticing this little trend when J. Crew's 2009 winter shoot totally made Sorrels look high fashion. I love the styling of all the photoshoots I've seen, but I'm not totally sold on the whole aspect of actually doing it: glamour camping, that is. Isn't the whole point of camping to get dirt under your nails? Not a mani-pedi. With that said, my cousin-in-law found these boots for $5 but they didn't fit her. Gladly I took them off her hands! The leather is in near perfect condition. Maybe I'll wear them the next time I go glamping. Or Gliking. That's glamour hiking, in case you didn't catch that last one. Either way, I'm totally ready for all the snow next winter (and next spring).

Thanks, Padgett!

June 6, 2011
I got the most lovely surprise in the mail a few weeks ago: LEMONS! Friend & fellow blogger, Padgett sent me a bunch of meyer lemons from her parent's house in San Diego. Lemme tell you, fresh-picked lemons are WORLDS better than the kind you buy at the store. I'm sort of a lemon snob. It was such a sweet & welcome surprise to get a bundle of sweet lemons at my door! undefined I just finished off the rest of them this afternoon when I made a fresh lemon strawberry granita. After trying out Smitten Kitchen's lemon mint granita a few years ago,  smoothie-style granitas are one of my most favorite summer treats. So refreshing & so delicious. My take on the granita is more of a smoothie & less of a snow cone - mostly because I lack the patience to put the smoothied yumminess back in the freezer to let it set. undefined My version: Strawberry Lemon Granita
  • 1/4 cup simple syrup*
  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 1 pint fresh or frozen strawberries
  • ice cubes (or water)
Make the simple syrup. Add syrup, lemon juice & strawberries into blender & blend. Add ice cubes or cold water (depending on consistency) to taste. I usually add a handful or two of ice cubes. To make simple syrup: pour 1 part sugar, 1 part water into a saucepan & heat until it starts to boil. Make sure all sugar is incorporated. No need to cool the mixture before adding it into the granita. The ice & frozen strawberries cool it down just fine. Thanks again, Padgett, for the delicious lemons!!

Updated Floral Tank

June 6, 2011
I just took this tank in a little bit at the shoulders. Took about 20 minutes & Now it covers the dirty pillows.
  • cardigan: Provo Boutique, $15
  • necklace: Vintage Oddity, $18
  • top: swapped & updated
  • jeggings: H&M, $15
  • shoes: thrifted DV, $4
TOTAL: $52

Weekend Summer Outfit

June 5, 2011
Wore the dress as a skirt. So comfy!
  • top: thrifted, $3
  • belt: thrifted, $1
  • bracelet: handmade by my dad (means the world to me)
  • skirt: Ruche, c/o ($35)
  • shoes: swapped with Sarah
TOTAL: $4 ($38)

Another Poopy Clutch

June 3, 2011
I'm sick of my old purple poopy clutch, so while I was making a few of these things for baby gifts, I whipped one up for myself. Seriously, if you're in the market to make a diaper & wipes case - MAKE THIS ONE. Not just because I want to toot my own horn, but because of all the portable wipes cases I've had in the past, this one by far is the cutest & most practical. undefined I love the grey patent leather. I'm thinking when I get brave enough, I'll draw on the leather and add fun textural details to it. undefined On an exciting note, I was just floored & extatic to see Craftzine feature this tutorial! Since I started to get serious about tutorials on this blog about 3 years ago, it's been a pipe dream of mine to be featured there. It put a HUGE smile on my face last weekend to see it pop up there. Another thing - Poopy is not a typo. This clutch is called the poopy clutch (not poppy) after it's original purpose - cleaning up after poopy diapers. I agree, though, it makes a fun clutch for going out on the town - this tutorial does not require diapers or kids. ;)

Made for TV Outfit

June 3, 2011
  • headband: handmade @ 2am, $.50
  • top: Forever 21, $17
  • bow cuff: handmade, $2
  • jeans: Forever 21, $15
  • shoes: Aldo, $65
TOTAL: $99.50

5 Minutes of Fame

June 2, 2011
I was on a local tv show: Studio 5, showing some of the fun things you can do with leather. It was SO much fun to do the segment & I'm incredibly grateful for help from my sister (she let me take her car & she watched the kiddos) and Jill!


A lot of the things you see in this segment you've seen here already, but there were a few new goodies in there. Notice my headband? We didn't talk about it in the segment, but I used the pattern pieces from the fringed necklace & glued them onto a headband. Also - there's a little tutorial at the end showing you how to braid leather with two closed ends (at about 5:30). It's magic! Here are some quick links to the tutorials I mentioned in the segment: Poopy ClutchFringed Coin PurseBow CuffFringed Feather NecklaceMagic Braided Bracelet

Magic Braided Leather Tutorial

June 2, 2011
Seriously this tutorial is magic. I've been wanting to share it with you for about a year now, but it's taken me so long to sit down & figure out the best way to explain myself. See, I discovered how to do this while mindlessly watching an episode of House. My mother-in-law has a rad purse from the '70s or so; it's leather with a very cool handle. Parts of the handle are braided & parts are smooth. I thought it was just insanely cool how the handle was braided with closed ends!! What the . . . So I figured it out. Turns out it's not as hard as you might think!


I'll be sharing this today on KSL's Studio 5! I'll link to the video later today for further clarification. So click the link below to read the tutorial!

• M A G I C B R A I D E D L E A T H E R •

(of course the pattern pieces above aren't the same, I was just too lazy to take a supplies pic that was practically the same as this one. hope you'll forgive me.)

• S U P P L I E S •

  • hammer
  • scissors
  • hole punch
  • tape
  • button-stud/snap & setter
  • 1-2 oz leather/felt
Print and cut out pattern pieces. Tape onto leather. Carefully cut two inside slits with an X-acto knife & ruler. Punch holes then cut out perimeter of the pattern. undefined Tape your leather to a sturdy surface, like a desk or slab of wood. Start a tight braid with the farthest right strand & count each time you cross a strand.undefinedundefinedundefinedundefinedundefined Ignoring the bottom part as you go, count up to 6. Once you get to six, start untangling. undefined Look at the bottom part, the strand that’s on top should go through the hole. Follow the strand with the end of the bracelet. undefinedundefined Once you’ve followed through that end, your ends should look like this. Take the right strand & smooth it out. the end will want to go in between the right & middle strands. Once you’ve untangled that, start your second set of 6. You might need to untangle as you go as you run out of room. The bracelet pattern uses two sets of braids. undefined Once you're done braiding, your bracelet will look a little lumpy. Don't worry. Just give it some time & it'll break in nicely.

Here are the photos animated so you get a better idea of how it goes.

undefined Once you're finished braiding, you'll attach snaps or button-studs. undefined Wear on your wrist for a couple of days to break it in. Be sure to get it wet if you'd like for the braids to lie flat. ENJOY!!

• O P T I O N A L •

Use this technique for purse handles! Click the button below to download the printer-friendly version of this tutorial & for the pattern pieces. I’d love to see how you make this tutorial yours! Email me pics or link to your pics in the comments.

This tutorial is free for personal use and should not be distributed/republished without my consent. Altering the file NOT ALLOWED. If you would like to use this tutorial for commercial purposes, please email me. Thanks! Don't be totally confused. It looks tricky, but it's really quite simple! Check out the video tutorial below for additional clarification:

New Dress Form

June 1, 2011
I just got a dress form in the mail today. I'm very excited to get started on a project. First up? This amazing number I scored from Savers about 3 years ago. I've been meaning to do something cool with it ever since I bought it.
  • scarf: hand-me-down
  • top: Forever 21, $15
  • cardi: ATL, gift from Mom
  • belt: part of an old shirt i bought ages ago
  • jeggings: H&M, $15
  • shoes: thrifted, $5
TOTAL: $35

N.E.E.T. Feature + Tutorial

June 1, 2011
I've had this in the works for some time & I'm so excited to finally be able to share this with you!! N.E.E.T. approached me a while back to develop a fashion tutorial for their summer publication & I gladly accepted. I actually wanted to do the fringed necklace (from yesterday) for the publication, but decided for a coin purse instead.

Again, I went with the leather & the fringe. Call me obsessed. I developed the pattern; and with the help of Jill we made a couple of versions & shot the tutorial. Now it's available for viewing (and download) over HERE. A couple of tips when browsing the magazine, our tutorial is on Page 152 and you have to click through each page in order to get there. Just click at the edge of the digital page or just to the right of the center fold. Also, if you'd like to view the tutorial & images larger, download the Pattern PDF. It has all of the instructions on a larger scale along with the pattern pieces. Jill was the one who painted the pouch on the right. Didn't she do a fabulous job? I would've either done a solid color or chevrons. I love that she has a different perspective than I do. She helps push me forward with my style & design. Click the button below to download the printer-friendly version of this tutorial & for the pattern pieces. I’d love to see how you make this tutorial yours! Email me pics or link to your pics in the comments.

This tutorial is free for personal use and should not be distributed/republished without my consent. Altering the file NOT ALLOWED. If you would like to use this tutorial for commercial purposes, please email me. Thanks!  

Busy, Busy & A Giveaway

June 1, 2011
Forgive me if I double-up posts these next few days. I've got a lot coming your way; a giveaway, a couple of reeeally fancy tutorials and ME! on TV. Oh yeah. I'm going to be famous or something like that. Today, I'm over at the Rhodes Rolls blog, sharing a little experiment of mine. Let me tell you- it's one tasty experiment! As always, it's a pleasure to do these posts for Rhodes. It forces me to go outside my quiver of standard recipes & discover something new & delicious! Rhodes is offering two ISLY readers a Rhodes Rolls cookbook! I love mine & I know you will, too. It's FULL of pictures (I'm such a visual person, so pics are a must) & great recipe ideas. To enter, please: TWO winners will be chosen & announced on this post, Tuesday June 7. Good luck! THE WINNERS ARE: undefinedundefined I'll be emailing you details. Congrats ladies!

Again & Again

June 1, 2011
I love this shirt.
  • top: swapped with Sarah
  • dress: Forever 21, $13
  • belt: Ruche, $15
  • shoes: Forever 21, $8
TOTAL: $36