Penelope and I met Tom & Peggy for the first time and it had been a few years since Chris had seen them, so it was a much needed reunion.

Chris has told me how handy his grandpa is, but I seriously had no idea how handy until Tom showed me around their [beautiful] home and pointed out everything he had made. I snapped a few photos of the Dobrusky originals. Thought you might enjoy.

Peggy showed me photos of how Tom constructed the bridge. It looked like a ton of work and absolutely beautiful.

Chris and I knew that Tom had turned the wood of all of their lamps (from wood found in their backyard), but I was taken aback when I found out all the lampshades were made by him, too. Not one lamp was exactly the same. I was also impressed by the ingenuity of their remote control holder. I really could take some cues from Gramps's creativity. Oh, and he made the side table too. And 4 other similar tables that were in the house.

Oh, and he made this table. AND chairs. I thought they were purchased. NO, no, they're Dobrusky originals and
very comfortable.

Tom really likes stained glass and I like it too, especially in this china hutch made by, yes, Tom Dobrusky. It's just incredible to see all of the things Tom and Peggy do, all of the work they put into their home. There's never a dull moment.
I can't tell you how inspiring this home was! Nearly everything was hand made, even the bikes in the barn were made from scratch and I believe the golf clubs were, too! It was the motivation I need to get going on some home projects I have brewing in this brain of mine, now all I need is a home or apartment.
I had a lot of fun getting to know Chris's grandparents, we better not wait too long for the next visit.