Spinach Smoothies
January 24, 2011Way back when Chris & I were dating, one of Chris's roommates offered me some of his disgusting-looking green smoothie. I asked what was in it & he simply replied, "Lots of spinach & fruit." I bravely gave it a try & absolutely loved it. Gosh, it's been somewhere around 5 years since then and now that we just bought a new blender and loads of spinach in the house, I've been thinking about making something similar.
Last week, I asked if any of you have spinach smoothie recipes & THANK YOU for all of the links, recipes & suggestions! It definitely got me going in the right direction. I didn't follow any particular recipe for the smoothie I made this morning, but I took bits & pieces from all the recipes you suggested. I threw in pineapple, 100% pineapple juice, frozen 100% orange juice concentrate, a generous handful of spinach, frozen bananas and vanilla yogurt.
My first job (at 15) was working at Jamba Juice with my older sister. We had such a great time working together and it was there that I learned the secret to smoothie perfection: add liquids, solids THEN frozens in that order; a little bit of orange juice makes every smoothie wonderful and frozen fruit in lieu of ice cream or ice is the best way to thicken up a smoothie.
Penelope devoured the smoothie, as did I. It was so delicious. I just loved how Penelope kept chanting, "Mmm, dewishush!" (Mmm, delicious!) with every sip. I'm going to be making it again. I also think I'm going to make every excuse to use my blender, too. It's awesome.
Thanks again to everyone who pointed me in the right direction for a delicious spinach smoothie!!