When does he not have his tongue sticking out?

The above pictures are straight out of the camera: 1250ISO, f/4, 1/80
I pulled out my camera yesteraday for some sweet pictures of Felix while Penelope was enjoying her "quiet time". He's becoming more & more mobile these days which is both exciting and devastating. I like my chubby bump on a log, but it's so fun to see him grow & change. He's still nowhere near sitting up by himself though. That behemoth head of his & his lack of motivation has really held him back. He's still an excellent cuddler & I'm loving every minute of it. I'll be so sad to see that phase go.
This picture is straight out of the camera: 2500ISO, f/3.5, 1/100
Felix is such a charmer. He loves any attention that's thrown his way! See him "crawl" in the video below.
I love you baby Felix. You're my favorite son ever.