Halloween was much more fun this year than last because we didn't have to commute elsewhere for the trick-or-treat festivities. Penelope's also at an awesome age where everything is awesome and Felix feeds into her excitement with the shrillest of screams.

We live in a very trick-or-treat friendly neighborhood and the weather was dreamy; which helped lift my sour mood. Chris offered stayed home with Felix and passed out candy to the trick-or-treaters. And we ran out of candy! That's
never happened to us before!
I didn't do anything for the kids' costumes this year.
Felix was a race car driver (Ricky Bobby?) - I had almost forgotten about
this jumper that I scored about 7 months ago. It was perfect for the occasion.
Penelope was
Marcelene (or a rockin' vampire queen). I made her cape ages ago, put her in hip clothes, bought her teeth, made her carry her battle axe and gave her some scary make up (not pictured). I drew some seriously fierce eyebrows on her before we left the house.

Penelope was so cute trick-or-treating! We went to a house that had
full-sized candy bars with licorice ropes and giant pixie sticks. Of course Penelope chose the pixie stick. Then she insisted on making me carry the bucket while she went door to door telling all the neighbors about her "UGE" (she doesn't pronounce the h, it's cute) pixie stick!
The best part was when we got home and she tried to eat it. She dumped a bunch of pixie stick sugar in her mouth and started screaming for water. She was not a fan.

Another personal side-note: I took Felix to an audiologist earlier today. Since he's 20 months and still not walking or talking, I've been concerned that there may be something up with his ears affecting his hearing and balance. Well, we found out his ears are perfect. I'm thrilled, but still curious why he's taking his time with these major milestones. It's just a reminder that I need to be patient and enjoy this phase with him (and keep up the PT).

We had a great time this year. We went to a couple parties, had fun with our no-stress costumes and I even
decorated a pumpkin! I hope your holiday was safe and fun!