I've been on the hunt for good accessories & organizational containers for my studio with great success. I've been able to square away the bulk of my crafting supplies in Ikea's Expedit & wire basket units, but I want some pretty storage for the little things like string & receipts & small papers. While thrifting a week or two ago, I found this wire circular basket & thought it was pretty darn rad.

As I wandered further down the aisle, I found this square one.

As I wandered even further still, I found the flower one.

Sweet! A collection of pretty wire baskets, all for 75¢ each. I'm pretty sure they're silver since a few of them are tarnished & have that silver look. I've considered cleaning them, but I'm much too lazy to go out & buy silver polish. Does anyone have any home remedies for polishing silver?
I'm really excited about my little collection of wire baskets. I've put the circular one downstairs in our kitchen to catch the incoming mail & I'm keeping the other two in my studio for storing whatever I see fit. Have you found any good deals lately? Leave your links in the comments.