Penelope, this is the first time I've actually posted ON your actual birthday! I'm so proud of myself. Usually I forget about these things. Thanks for being an adorable and sweet baby. Chris and I love you more and more everyday. It's hard not to when you're just so adorable.
You're such a great sleeper. Thank you. I can't tell you enough. I don't think I would have survived these last 5 months without so many good nights of rest. Honestly, your sleep keeps my doppelganger away. Thank you.
Thanks for being such a happy girl! Chris and I get so greedy over your smiles and laughs. Sometimes Daddy wins, and sometimes I'm the lucky one winning those precious treats. You're really sweet to us.
Your daddy and I just love to see how much you can do. You grow so much every day. We love seeing you play with your toes and we also love to count your rolls.
Love you, Nells bells. Happy five months.
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It's so cute to see Penelope's eyes light up when we start dancing Counting Souvenirs by Junior boys; we both love it. If you see me dancing like a lyrical maniac through my window, you'll know why.
I enjoy the music video, however it does get a little too literal towards the end when the character starts counting his spoils. Weird. Enjoy.
Note: the record that he swipes is the Junior Boys single "In the Morning", also a good song.