I've been dying to get my hands on some plaid lately. It's been huge since last year and I've loved the come-back. I'm not sure it ever really went out of style, but I'm glad to have been reminded of how awesome plaid is once more.

Plaid is great for the holidays. I remember decorating our tree in my youth with wrapped boxes of raisins in plaid wrapping paper. We used those boxes for 15 years at least. We never took the raisins out of the boxes, so I chuckle at the thought of 15 year old raisins. Now that I think about it, I wish I could find that cool plaid wrapping paper again. It had a linen texture to it which was really neat.

This is the exact outfit I will be wearing to my Grandparents' Christmas party. It's a casual party, but we still like to get dressed up. No need for a dress, but nice slacks will do. These rayon trousers from Lulu*s are absolutely perfect. I look dressed up, but I feel like I'm wearing pajamas. The rayon is dreamy.

I made the top to go with. I did a v-neck variation of the
simple woven blouse (
here). I was going to make a little collar, but as I was putting it together, it looked terrible. I ended up just putting a bow in its place to dress it up and keep it from looking like a scrubs top.

I'm happy with how it turned out, but I'm excited to switch back to knits for my next project. I have it all cut out and everything. I can't wait.

What will you wear to your Holiday parties this year?
Outfit details: