One of my new blog obsessions:
Shutter Sisters. SO cool. So girly. But not.
Just this month they started a photography challenge. The prize: a
lens baby composer--these things are
SO stinking sweet. This month each person gets to pick out a word and take photos relating to that word. Upload to flickr. There you go. If you want to join in on the fun, read about the rules
Hmmm... It was so hard to choose just one word.
Grow. I've been thinking that I really need to expand my interests beyond the hobbyist/enthusiast level. I've got it in me, right? So this month, my photos are about growing my talents. Pushing my photo skills and photographing subjects and scenes that I haven't really mastered yet.
Here they are.
Growing. I'm learning how to take pictures of the outdoors. Capturing breath, or life and hopefully conveying it in a still image. More are on the way.
P.S. I <3 you, San Francisco.