Sweeter Than Honey to my Mouth
March 18, 2008My goal recently is to take up reading again. I was such an avid reader when I was younger, then when English teachers started to require reading, it wasn't so much fun anymore. Now that I'm out of school, and don't have any literary requirements, it's starting to be fun again! I've started reading a few books here and there, mostly the ones that are recommended from the book club I'm in.
Just a few weeks ago, I picked up the book "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd. I'd heard loads of good things about the book, so I thought I'd give it a try. I really, really enjoyed it!! It was just a good solid book, well written, not too flashy, and not too boring. It was fabulous. Anyway, I came across this picture online, and it reminded me of the book. Maybe because there are bees in it. Anyway, this artist, Tomás Gabzdil Libertiny (what a mouthful!) makes forms for the bees to make the honey comb around, making these gorgeous sculptures! Thought it was pretty darn cool. The photography (by Raoul Kramer) is pretty rad, too.