Penelope's really come into a creative grove since she got her new studio. What's even more awesome/remarkable is how all of the neighbor kids congregate in the tiny hallway to create artwork with her.
We've got quite a few budding artists on our street, including a 6 year old girl whom I'm convinced could be a fantastic calligrapher.

So I'm going to start a series. A virtual gallery stroll, if you will.
These kids are really inspiring to me, especially how they just freely create without any rules.

Penelope drew this bee for her aunt B. Get it? Adorable. She's always creating little pictures and sculptures.
On the first Wednesday of each month, I'm going to be posting her creative endeavors and maybe a couple from the neighbor kids as well. I would love to see you participate! Use the banner above and post your kid's creative endeavors on your blog on the first Wednesday of each month. We'll link up for a virtual gallery stroll. For this month, feel free to link up in the comments to any artwork your child has done. If you don't have a blog, feel free to submit your child's work to me before the first Wednesday (July 3) and I'll publish it here. I hope you'll participate with me! See below for submission requirements.
Artwork must be 100% done by your child 18 years and younger. Photo must be taken in natural light and image must be at least 550px wide.