First off, I'm totally giddy about tomorrow. I have a babysitter lined up to come 3 days a week for the next two weeks! I've been going crazy trying to get the house in order, keep up on crafty projects and pay attention to Penelope and Felix. They're needing more attention than ever, too.

Second, we bought a little toy that's been a joy to use. We've been so tired of over-sugared soda and flat club soda, we decided to buy a
soda siphon for making our own club soda. It's always fizzy, never dull and we can add anything our little hearts desire! Yesterday I experimented with peach and mint. Mmm! So good.

So far we love our siphon. We just mix whatever into our fizzy water and enjoy. It's been particularly wonderful with the little heat wave we've had. It gets to about 85 degrees up here in the mountains, so it's not bad, but it's definitely hot enough for a refreshing drink. See the recipe below for yesterday's tasty cocktail.
Mint Peach Italian Lemonade
- 1 peach
- a few sprigs mint
- simple syrup
- lemon juice
combine peach, a handful of mint leaves 1-2 tablespoons simple syrup and 2-3 teaspoons lemon juice in a blender. Let sit and macerate for about 15-20 minutes. Pour a few tablespoons mixture over crushed ice. Add club soda and cream. All measurements are approximate. I usually add a little here and a little there until I get it to my desired taste. MMM!