Penelope has practically a million nicknames. There are so many ways to break down & add-to her name: Pen, Nelly, the Nels, Lope, P, P-nut, Nelzebub, Nelzapea, Nelly Belly. . . really, I could go on & on. Felix on the other hand has ZERO nicknames. How do you shorten Felix? Fe? NO. This is the one flaw of the name Felix.
The nicknames we've got in the running are: F (but that doesn't roll off the tongue quite like P does), Fitz, Double X (because of the two X's in his name Felix Alexander). Then we've got the more humorous nicknames: WTF (Where's the Felix?), Dos Equis & the F-bomb. I highly doubt any of our family members (grandparents especially) will end up adopting the last three, but I sure do find them hilarious.

While talking to my cousins this weekend I told them about his slightly unfortunate nicknames & James (or was it Natalie?) mentioned something about using the F-bomb idea in the baby announcements. Of course this spurred all sorts of ideas, namely the shirt you see above. I think it's pretty awesome & perhaps I'll use this "logo" on more things of his. We'll see.

Do you have any ideas for nicknames for baby Felix? We've sort of been calling him buddy for lack of anything else, but considering I dated a guy named Buddy for two years, I'm sort of put off by that idea. Plus, it just seems too unoriginal. Ideas, pretty please?