When we heard a group of kids Penelope's age in our new neighborhood were getting on a soccer league we didn't think twice and signed her up. Chris always wanted to be on a league growing up, but between Phoenix Boy's Choir and music lessons it didn't happen. I was never interested in team sports. I wanted to be good, but I never was and I was (and still am) totally petrified of the ball. It's sort of a rite of passage for small kids to play on a team of some sort (at least here in Utah). Soccer seemed brilliant, she always wants to play and she loves running around. Heck, she runs circles around me all day, why not a soccer ball with friends?

She was so anxious to start so we scored some cute soccer gear as early as possible. We found a hot pink ball, hot pink shin guards and polka dot soccer socks! We also found her soccer cleats for $2 at the thrift store. She was so excited to shop for the gear with me, but when it came time to actually play soccer, her head was in the clouds. She spent most of her time just staring at the paragliders overhead. She plays at the most beautiful park, I'm constantly distracted by the mountains, paragliders and view of the city, too.

Unfortunately, all the soccer uniforms are enourmous (I could wear the jersey and shorts with room to spare). For the first couple of games (see top image) I rolled up the waistband 3 times and they were still falling off. It was time for a little fix. You can't really tell from the picture just above that I changed much, but her shorts are about 6 inches shorter and stay on. Her shirt is still very long (didn't have time to hem that before the game), but it fits her in the trunk much better. See below for how I did it.

Are you in sports or do you have kids or siblings who are? It's exhausting to get Penelope to practices and games on time!