Thrifty & Chic: Collections
April 14, 2011I guest posted over at a friend's blog two weeks ago & I totally spaced sharing it with you!!
Bri over at Collected asked me if I would share with her readers my collections. I don't really collect so much as I hoard from thrift stores. I guess a better way to put it is: I collect good deals. Click on over to Collected to read more about my collections.
Today & tomorrow are the last two days to sign up for my calligraphy class! There are two more spots available, so hurry & sign up! For you out-of-towners, I'm going to have my sweet hubs record the class, so I can offer that plus an e-book on how to practice calligraphy. It may be a month or two before it's available, but I thought I'd let y'all know it's coming!