My sister-in-law is in industrial design school right now & has the coolest assignments. While we were in Phoenix I saw her work on a couple of them; one of which is the following hat. The assignment was for her to take something completely useless & turn it into something functional & desirable. She did a great job transforming a useless soccer ball into a cloche-style winter hat. A hat which I'm sure she's wearing right this minute (Brr! It's cold!).

I love it! I think her facial expressions make the hat even radder. We were in Phoenix when Shelley made the hat, so it was a bit too warm to really wear it there. It's literally like a furnace on your head, which is perfect for the crazy cold weather we've been having here in SLC!
I think this hat would look totally awesome if rocked with a giant puffy white coat with grey mittens, bright colored leggings & white fur-lined winter boots. Don't you agree?