My brother is getting married. YES. My brother is getting married!!! I'm
SO very excited for him and for his future woman. A couple of weeks ago, when Penelope was blessed (more on that later) I met Polly (Jake's Fiancée) in person for the first time. Polly is
R-A-D. I'm so excited to get another sister-in-law, especially one that's as cool as her.

I think they like each other, just a little bit.
In all of the busy-ness that's been their engagement, Jake and Polly have put me to work. They were awesome enough to let me design their wedding invitations (which I LOVE to do) and just let me run wild with it. They've also let me make a wedding sign in book, which I'm super happy about.

I just finished binding the book this morning. I just love the fuzzy brocade wallpaper that I found from
FabMo. It's been such a long time since I've made a coptic book (well since my last bookbinding class). As I was sewing up the book, I remembered how much I miss doing it.

For you folks that are in the bay area (or want to visit for 6 weeks), I will be teaching the Coptic bind and others through the
Sequoia Adult School this fall. It's a really fun, low-key, evening community course. For class info, click
here or submit a comment below.