Preparing the Nest
January 25, 2008Now that we have just 13 more weeks left until our little Nelly Pea is born, we've started thinking about all of the things that we need to do and get in order to be fully prepared for her blessed arrival. Carseat? Check. Stroller? Check. Blankets? Check. Crib? Crib?!? NOPE.
There are a TON of things that we need to get, but it's the crib that has worried me most. We live in a one bedroom apartment that has limited space. The full sized cribs you can get at Ikea and similar stores are far too large for our apartment. We have a perfect sized closet that could hold a crib, but it's just 4 inches too narrow for the standard. So... being the crafty, DIY person that I am... I decided that we should just build the thing ourselves. My mother-in-law didn't give us a miter saw for nothing!! (Thanks Linda, again, BTW)
So, with our limited carpentry skills, Chris and I are making Nelly Pea's crib. Saturday we spent about an hour and a half in Home Depot trying to get all of the measurements down to figure out how much wood we need. Just ask Chris how stressful it was. OH GOODNESS! I think I just about had a nervous breakdown in the middle of the hard wood section!! AK! Monday, we were hoping would be a bright enough day (much like Saturday), so we could just work hard all day, and get it all done, before Chris had to go back to work on Tuesday. NO, no, we weren't so fortunate. The weather has been frowning on all of the bay area for the last week. All we were able to do Monday was make the cuts and sand. It was far too cold and wet to paint the wood. DANG!
So instead of a lovely photograph of a completed baby crib... here's a picture of Chris, sanding all of the pieces, he's pretty lovely, too. He did such a great job. (Thanks also to Uncle Steve and Aunt Karen for the sander--this project would not have been quite the same with out it.)