Last week, in preparation for my little
TV debut, I made a leather feather headband using the pattern pieces from the
Fringed Feather necklace tutorial. It took about 10 minutes to make & practically cost nothing. I had all of the supplies on hand - but if I had to price it out, I believe it cost somewhere around 25¢. TOTAL.

I love this leather! It's so smooth & soft and the tips of the feathers curl out, which I love. All I did was cut out the little pattern pieces & glue them onto a headband & glued felt underneath the leather for sturdiness. Simple!
photo by Michael Ann
Michael Ann, whipped up some
adorable little earrings using two-toned leather she found at JoAnn's. She didn't even have all the right tools on hand, but she was able to make do, no sweat! Don't you love the heart rivets? To see how she wore them & read the details of her experience,
check out her blog.
Obviously a lot of the
tutorials I've published are for a specific project, but I love it when people get creative & expand on the tutorial!