Easter was a little bit hectic for us, but I still managed to do a couple of special things for the kids and get our family photo.

I had planned on making easter coordinating outfits for everyone, but I only got around to items for Penelope and Me. I still want to do for Chris and Felix what I had originally planned, it just may take a few more weeks. I'll be sure to share those with you when I'm done. We still managed to match perfectly for our photo!

We call this the Gene Simmons tongue. Felix does this regularly. Also, do you see the buttons on the back of Penelope's dress? Those are my first button holes. First ones with my current machine (it's been about 5 years since I've tried). I'm pretty proud of how they turned out. Having a nice new machine with automatic button holes makes a huge difference.

Getting these pictures for the family was a bit stressful - when are family photos not stressful? - but we got them. The photos aren't magazine perfect, but the most important thing was that we got together and took a picture. Last time we had our family photo taken was nearly a year and a half ago! I keep thinking to myself that we should do this more often, I do have this photo corner permanently set up.

I love this shot of Penelope. She was so excited to find her Easter basket and this was about the expression on her face when I showed her her dress and my matching skirt. She always knows when to make me feel appreciated.
At the same time, she's in this phase where she likes to manipulate Chris and me with her love (or in my case, the lack of). I'll take any of these sweet moments I can.

Felix is still not walking or talking, but we may have figured out the cause of his developmental delays. I don't want to get my hopes up, but it feels right. We will be visiting a specialist in a week and a half to find out for sure what's going on.
He's still so affectionate and cuddly at 25 months, I'm not sure what I'll do with myself if he ever grows out of it.

Penelope and Felix are getting along much better now. Now that the weather is nice they ride outside together; Penelope on her bike and Felix on his fire truck. It's so rewarding to see them interact nicely together.
I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend! And happy April Fool's (sorry no
pranks here today).
I've got some great posts coming to you this week - an easy DIY with one of my favorite Target dollar finds, the only way I want to eat my Asparagus and how to make a Kate Spade inspired skirt. What are your plans this week?