Last Thursday night
Madeline and I headed up the gorgeous Parley's canyon to hang out with a bunch of lovely ladies (and a few men) at
EVO. It was SUCH a great conference! There were all sorts of inspiring, not-a-dry-eye-in-the-room keynotes & fabulous instructional panels on SEO, branding, product reviews, marketing, etc.

My experience would not have happened if it hadn't been for
Avery office products, who generously sponsored me & 7 other lovely ladies. They graciously provided us with our conference passes, meals and excellent lodging. We were in heaven hanging out in our 4 bedroom, 5 bathroom, 3 livingroom, 1 sauna penthouse. Seriously, Avery hooked us up! I love it when large companies make personal connections in social media and put a face & personality to their brand. They also had some neat products to share with us & other conference goers as well. I'm really looking forward to making my
very own custom binder.
Les Madeleines of Salt Lake City made these delectable treats.

The suite party Avery sponsored was just hoppin'. We had delicious food, great music & awesome company. You know you've got a successful party on your hands when the party goes 'til 2am, and it was only scheduled until 11pm! Madeline and I ended up kicking a few party-goers out so that we could clean up & go to sleep. Sleep was definitely not one of those things that really happened last weekend. I still haven't caught up on my ZZZs.

(this post is not in chronological order, btw)
Friday afternoon, I rode a gondola up to the top of the Canyons and attended the photography workshop where we listened to
four panelists talk about different ways to make photos more interesting and pretty. I felt a little advanced for the session, but I still learned a few great tips & tricks. For example, If you shoot in f22 or higher and point your camera at the sun, you'll get a pretty sunburst effect that you wouldn't otherwise get in a lower aperture. I tried that on Saturday night at the closing party & it worked! Sort of. I'm blaming the un-interesting photo on my rush to head back to the hotel to pack.

The closing party was a lot of fun, but I was so exhausted from the weekend, I
stupidly didn't take advantage of the venue. I did take some fun pictures of everyone having a good time, though! To see more pictures of the EVO conference craziness, check out their flickr group!
Three cheers for
Rachael and their minions!! They put on such an inspiring and educational conference! Can't wait until next year!