I have a minor obsession with containers. I was more than giddy with excitement when my mom bestowed upon me her spice of life jar from way back when, and I was personally hurt when Penelope broke it two days later. I also can't help but lurk down the aisles at any store (thrift or otherwise) where cute containers might be present. After all, you can never have enough containers. Especially if you plan on entertaining the masses with little goodies that could possibly fit inside those containers.

Let me tell you about these containers. First, you've got the pitcher. I love this pitcher becacuse I inheirited it from my parents. It was part of their everyday ware that they got for their wedding. I
love the cream colored ceramic & the mustard ring detail.

Second is the daisy glass container. I found this gorgeous jar for $1. I love the bright yellow & the daisy illustrations on the sides. So sweet. It's the perfect container for sour lemon candies.

Third, we've got the ice bucket. I found the ice bucket at a high-end thrift shop just south of town, it was originally priced at $15, but on sale for $5. I had a hard time justifying buying it and felt all sorts of buyer's guilt afterward, but that didn't last too long. I've used it over and over at parties, family dinners, picnics, etc!
Do you like vintage containers? Do you collect/hoard them like I do? I'd love to see pictures! (Or maybe not. Maybe I'd get too jealous.)