I'm in a sewing craze right now. Seriously, I'm day dreaming in patterns, and I keep thinking up ideas for outfits for Penelope and other little girls [I have a few pregnant friends]. I've got to get cracking before my motivation wanes. Last Friday when I was feeling particularly ambitious, I sewed a skirt! I can't claim the pattern my own; it's been modified from
Simplicity's 3673 1950's retro dress pattern.

I can't express how much I love this skirt. It fits me PERFECTLY, it's slimming [at least I think so] and it's amazingly comfortable. This is the best sewing I've done in my life. Period. End. I should mention, however, it has one little problem: I can't squeeze into it from the top. I have to unzip and shimmy into it from the bottom. I should have put in a longer zipper. OH well. It still works.

The original pattern has a very high waistline and darts in the front [I hate front darts, they never seem to look right]. I nixed the front darts and made puckers in the back instead [adding a little umph to the blegs]. I also sinched up the hips to follow my hips a little better. Now I'm looking for any excuse to wear this little number out. Chris, you wanna ask me out on a date?

P.S. I'm totally addicted to
the Sartorialist right now. I love that blog.