This is the most complicated tutorial on my blog to date. I kid, I kid. You probably already have everything on hand, it's just a matter of repurposing. And maybe you've already done this before.

Yes, make an awesome, hip, trendy, amazing wrap bracelet in a matter of seconds.

Find the skinniest skinny belt in your closet.
Wrap it around your wrist a ton of times.

Mind blown? I sure hope so. The gold belt above I scored as part of a sweater set at H&M. I made the hot pink one from leather cording and a lever-back clasp.

I measured the leather cording to my waist and glued the leather into the end cups. Each wrap took 2 minutes to make and an hour for the glue to dry. So I can wear these as itty bitty skinny belts or multi-wrap bracelets. I like these as bracelets as they're flexible, comfortable and don't get in the way.

Outfit details:
- glasses:
- scarf: thrifted
- blazer: H&M
- top: Forever 21
- pants: target
- shoes: thrifted
- bracelets: handmade and H&M