Last weekend I worked on a little calligraphy project for a very lovely lady. I enjoyed it, because it gave me an excuse to stock up on pen nibs and pretty ink. Penelope keeps breaking my pen nibs and Chris says it's because she wants to secure her position as the only working Pen in the house. He's probably right.

Here's what it says:
"When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes."
– Desiderius Erasmus
I went for a very spontaneous look and just winged it. It was fun, but as soon as I was half way done I started to think crazy thoughts like:
What if I mess up? Do I remember how to write a 'y'? Oh crap! I'm going to mess up! I hate it when I start thinking thoughts like that. When I used to play the organ for weekly church service those same thoughts would go through my head then I would lose my place and skip a note. It was so embarrassing. Thankfully, my crazy thoughts of self-doubt and stress didn't get to me; I was able to finish my quote with success.

I wanted to use white ink for this project, but the Higgins "waterproof" white ink that I have totally blows. I know, I know. It's cheap ink. I should stop buying cheap supplies! I went to my local art supply store and stepped it up a notch and bought
Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay India Ink. I love how smooth the inks are, especially the white ink! I really like my new inks a lot. What brands of inks have you tried? Which have you liked/disliked? I'd love to hear!