I know I've already shared one T&C item for this week, but I couldn't help myself with this one. OH. MY. GOSH. It's my favorite chair. While running some errands with Penelope the other day, I thought I'd stop in Thrift Town (a thrift store I used to go to in high school, but haven't gone to since). I'd heard they'd upped their prices a lot more than Savers & DI, but I checked it out anyway.

It was almost refreshing to go to Thrift Town. It was like there was a whole different demographic of people donating & shopping there, so there were some pretty unique things there. I found this gorgeous chair sitting triumphantly atop a large shelf. I knew I had to have it. It was $8; a little more than I'm used to spending on chairs at thrift stores, but well worth it. I'm not going to complain.

I wish I knew what brand/designer and era this chair was from. There are no markings indicating anything like that. Any of you savvy folks out there know possibly where this chair is from? I'm so in love with it, I think this baby needs a mate.
Have you found any good deals lately? A couple weeks ago, Heather scored a
large ring of skeleton keys for $1, Faith scored a
Pottery Barn crib sheet set (retail $170) for $15 and Laura (I just saw this OMG) scored a
BCBG bag for $1! Please share links in the comments. I love to see what you've found recently. And again, if you can help find the chair a name/designer, that'd be killer.
Speaking of good deals, our complex is hosting a community-wide yard sale this Saturday! I've got a couple of things I'll be putting out on the lawn, but I'm mostly excited to troll around & see if I can score anything sweet. Email me if you want to swing by. I'll get you the address.