Desktop Wallpaper Freebie

July 25, 2011
This weekend Chris & I were giving some serious thought to buying a new computer or upgrading our hard drive to a solid state drive (it would diminish load times considerably). Pretty sure we won't be buying a new computer any time soon, but I think we'll be giving the upgrade a go. With that said, I've had this quote in my head for the last few weeks & thought it was about time to make a desktop wallpaper.

iPhoneiPad2560 x 14401680 x 10501440 x 9001280 x 800

For you Illustrator/Photoshop users out there, isn't that saying SO TRUE? Just making this artwork proved the quote to be true. How post-modern of me. I made this using my own lettering layered over a blurred out photo that I took at Taliesin West a couple years ago. Back when I was first learning photoshop & illustrator I made a few desktop wallpapers, but I haven't really had the desire to do one until discovering The Fox Is Black's (formerly Kitsune Noir) desktop wallpaper project. You can find some AMAZING wallpapers (that make mine look like a preschooler did it) for your computer, iPad or iPhone or pretty much anything else you want. Click one of the above sizes to download the artwork. This wallpaper is free for personal, desktop/mobile device use only and should not be distributed or altered without my consent. If you would like to use this for commercial purposes, please email me. Thanks!