Lettered: Forget Me Not

August 29, 2012
While practicing with a new nib and paper this phrase came to mind. It's a bit on the nose with the flowers on it, but I'm pretty thrilled with how it turned out. It's available for sale (both original and digital download) in the shop.

I'm working on a little devotional for a church function tomorrow; as I was reading up on a few things I came across an old German legend about the forget me not. The story goes that just as God finished creating and naming all of the plants on the earth, one little flower stood unnamed. He pleaded, "Forget me not, O Lord!" And God confirmed its name. It's really quite a cute legend about a little flower. The plea in the phrase makes me think about remembering others that need our love, support and service. It also makes me think of my dark times and how I've been able to rely on God and loved ones to support me.