Penelope turned four yesterday. The girl is growing like a weed and it makes me feel SO OLD!!

I had elaborate plans for a sweet library party for Penelope, but that did NOT happen. I swear I might have mono or something, because it's like pulling teeth trying to get out of bed before 10am (and no I'm not prego). I'm going to blame it on my stationary lifestyle for now.

I think I will still do a big friend party for her, but sometime in May or June. It's not like Penelope really cares
when the birthday party is, right? Have any of you done something like that before?

I still wanted to make a big to do for her birthday, so we had a special dinner with presents and cake. The easiest and most delicious cake that I could think of to make was Texas Sheet Cake. It's my late grandmother's recipe. It's divine.
Do you ever find that your most creative ideas come out of your laziness? I really didn't want to make a buttercream frosting for a sweet message on the cake, so I made the message out of mini marshmallows. I thought it turned out rather cute. I could see this being even more clever on an all-white cake.

It's not like Penelope really cares about this type stuff at four years old, but that's just fine.
It's still so surreal that she's four. She's a rad kid. I can't believe that she's ours. I love you, sweet Penelope!