For the beginning calligrapher:
- My calligraphy class! :) I'm not above tooting my own horn, but we give a rad gift kit that has all the basics + they'd get 1-on-1 coaching to learn calligraphy the right way.
- leak-proof containers - or any type of container for nibs, ink etc.
- nib cleaners - for cleaning your nibs without all the lint getting stuck between the tines
- brush markers - great for practice on the go
- white chalk pencil - marking out grid lines on darker papers
- see-through ruler with metal edge - for drawing guides and for use with an X-acto
- glitter glue - adding a special touch
For the intermediate/advanced calligrapher:
- a fountain pen - Noodler's ahab/creaper are great flex pens at an affordable price. Be sure to use with fountain pen ink!
- Desiderata fountain pen - hand-turned fountain pen that can be used with a steel flex nib like the Nikko G (see Schin's review here)
- A custom turned pen - I have a growing collection of them. Nothing quite like writing pretty letters with a gorgeous pen. Here are my favorite makers: Salvador Mendez | Yoke Pen Company | Unique Obliques | Erika Paulsen
- finetec metallics palette - add a touch of gold to everything
- gouache paints - write in a rainbow of colors
- Fancy paper - Clairefontaine triomphe and Rhodia are favorites of mine

Grow your library with these must-haves:- An Elegant Hand
- Scripts
- Modern Calligraphy
- Mastering Copperplate Calligraphy
- Ornate Pictoral Calligraphy
Everyone loves pretty letters. Grow your art collection from one of these fabulous artists:Check out my pin board for more calligraphy-related giftable items.