Today I
finally took the poor toilet paper lamp to the D.I.. It's been sitting either in our garage or the trunk of our car for over the last month. Last night, Chris told me that, "If you don't take care of that by the time I get back (from his trip), you're going to be in serious trouble." I do as I'm told.

Of course, no drop off at D.I. is complete without strolling the ailes afterward. I found quite a few goodies there. Among them was the above mirror. I've been looking for a mirror like this for
ages! I was so excited to come across this sweet mirror. I was really hoping to find a full-length mirror similar to this, but this will most certainly do! Especially for $1.50.

I'll take it! I've been going back & forth about where to hang this old painting of mine - as it only seems appropriate for Halloween season, but I kinda like it here. In our bedroom. Isn't there some Postal Service song that mentions Skeletons?
Have you found any screaming deals lately? You guys shared some great finds! Vicki found a Fuji Instamax for $2.
Janet scored a bunch of killer deals (my favorite being the dress at the bottom of the post).
Laura found the most adorable yellow quilted floral pillows.
Rachel scored a KILLER perforated leather Dooney & Burke purse (probably last week's fave share).
Please share in the comments! Links to your own blog posts are great, even encouraged! Just please make sure they're in the spirit of Thrifty & Chic.