Contagious, isn't it? My cheeks hurt terribly from smiling and laughing while editing the video. Maybe I should just play this thing every time Penelope gets on my nerves? Also, we can't seem to replicate this level of laughter even though we try and try. Brooke, can you teach us your secrets?!?
- Pull herself to stand
- Bounce really high in her bouncy swing
- Say ma ma and da da and boo and ga
- gurgle
- blow raspberries
- occasionally wave
- maintain a completely straight face while complete strangers try to make her smile [and go to great efforts to do so]
- eat all solid food in sight pretty much without a bib
- call family members from my cell phone
- cry and throw a whirlwind of a temper tantrum [wonder where she gets that from?]
- Height: 85th percentile [up from 73% ]
- Weight: 83rd percentile [down from 90% ]
- Head: 99th percentile [up from 95%]