You'll know from reading this blog, I love being cheap. Hanging artwork can be so expensive at times so I've created a couple of hanging methods to keep framing costs to a minimum. The first method, I shared with you yesterday: hangers. The second method is leather strips/ribbon +
round spots or upholstery tacks.

This method is best done if you have artwork on a wooden panel (I have loads of those from my BFA days). With the cork boards in my studio, I could've easily put framing hooks on the back of each panel, but I wanted the board to be flush against the wall so this method was optimal. ALSO? I think it's pretty.

SO there you go, there's another peek at the decor in my studio. I do have to mention, though. . . it's far from being clean or organized at the moment. Let's keep it real:

See the giant mess? Oh yeah. This is practically the state of our entire house currently. I can't seem to keep anything clean these days. I'm over it, though. I've got a three week old & a two & a half year old to cuddle instead.
For those interested: The
Dachshund nightlight is via
Clever Tomato • brown camera print is via
A Vintage Poster • Clipboard is via
Urban Outfitters (and spray painted by yours truly) • Globe is a hand-me-down • Corkboards & silver baskets are via D.I.