On our way to the Tracy Aviary to hang out with friends & family, we were running early so I thought I'd check out the newest DI (for you Utah locals - it's the one in Sugarhouse). I've heard that thrift shop grand openings can be pretty lack lustre. This one wasn't terribly disappointing, although I did notice that some of their prices were a bit higher than normal. Not terrible, though.

It was a circus there, though. An employee passed me with a rolling cart full of new donations (that's when I spied the above bowls) and as soon as I started following her, a crowd of about 15 people swarmed around the crate like piranhas! Thankfully no one seemed interested in the bowls, so I discretely ushered them into my cart. I spent $4.50 on the set of 6 bowls. A steal in my opinion. They tend to go for
$4 per bowl around the interwebs.
I'm slowly working on organizing my kitchen cupboards with matching serving ware. Right now I've decided that I'm going for an all-white approach with a mix of orange & olive green accent pieces. I'm wanting to totally revamp my kitchen cupboards & get them perfectly organized & matching. I've always had an obsession with all-matching (or cohesive) serve ware.
I've also decided that I'm collecting yellow containers of any shape & size. I already have 5 or six. The above yellow container was 50¢ and the southwest-inspired scarves were also 50¢ each.

Isn't Penelope so cute? She loved seeing the Flamingos today. I just couldn't help but share this sweet pic my sister-in-law took. I'll be taking pics of sweet Felix this afternoon. I'll be sharing those with you soon. He's getting so big!
So. . . have you found any good deals? I was impressed with your awesome finds from last week.
Meredith found a gorgeous Lotus pendant lamp for $30 (we also have
twinner chairs - she scored her pair for $30)!
Kat found an arrow coat rack for $1 that I'm
SUPER jealous of.
Vintage Scapes found gorgeous vera scarves for $3.
Heather found a gorgeous white coat for $10, then tailored it. You look fab, Heather!
Please share links to your fun, cheap finds in the comments! I'd love to see!