Newness and Peace
July 4, 2012It's been a rough couple of weeks. I've eluded to the fact that we've been in the process of buying a house via twitter and instagram, but I didn't really want to spill the beans until it was official. I guess I'm a bit superstitious about these sorts of things. We bought a house, and we couldn't be more excited about it.
Shy of two months ago, we started really looking to buy a house. Chris is now in an awesome job that he loves, so settling down felt right. Getting a realtor also felt right. The houses we looked at didn't really. I could see myself making a few of them work, but with hesitation.
I remembered my friend Nikki had told me that her husband's job was relocating them to North Dakota. I hadn't been to her house before (what kind of friend am I?), but I was pretty sure it was in Draper. My husband really wanted to live in Draper and I had heard some good things about the neighborhoods there, too.
I visited her and fell in love with her house. Then we bought it.
I'm nothing short of emotional over the fact that Chris and I are at the point where we can settle down and our kids will have solid childhood memories of this place.
Moving in has taken us what feels like a million years, but as we tackle it I'm getting a million ideas for how we will love this space. I can't wait.
In the mean time, Penelope is enjoying her perfect sandbox.