Tutorial: Photoshop a Tattoo
April 2, 2012Hope you had a great April Fools' day yesterday! I totally got my mom with my tattoo post, and I'm pretty sure I gave her a full-fledged panic attack. We were chatting via skype and I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt. I made sure to hide my right underarm during the whole chat.
I told her I needed to tell her something, but she needed to look at my blog first. She grabbed her tablet and started looking up my URL while I was chatting with my dad about things. I kept my eye on her the whole time, looking at her face change from curiosity to utter surprise, shock, and disappointment. My dad looked at it and immediately asked, "So, how did you do it?"
"Photoshop." I lifted my arm on the screen to reveal no tattoo. I don't think my mom thought the fool was very funny. It looks like I fooled a few of you readers, too!
I designed this tattoo for a friend of mine. I think it's the closest to what I would do if I were to get a tattoo. My friend had it done along her ribcage, and a lot smaller than how I did mine. I think it turned out super cool. Check out the video below to learn how I photoshopped the tattoo.