This was quite possibly the hardest make I've ever done. I completed the chiffon skirt I've had stewing in my brain for months. It has taken me so long to do it because the material intimidated me. I'd say this project took a total of 6-8 hours to complete. Most of that time was in the pattern and cutting stages.

The plan was to make something that had a nice flow and drape to it for the Friday night parties at Alt Summit, but something that was comfortable and breathable for dancing and running around. I feel like this strikes both fancy and wearable arenas.

I had originally thought about doing some kind of easy elastic waistband to keep the construction simple, but if I really wanted to do it right, I needed a real waistband with an invisible zipper. That also scared the bejeebers out of me as I've only put in one invisible zipper in and it was while being heavily supervised by my amazing sewing friend. I used the same chiffon fabric for the waistband, but I interfaced both sides of the waistband for structure. I'm glad I did both sides instead of just the one.

Since the fabric was so cheer, I cut out two layers, unfortunately I didn't have enough for two full-length layers so the bottom layer hits just below knee length. I feel like it would've been better full-length, but it still has a nice effect. Additionally, the two layers together still aren't opaque enough to hide my underwear, so I whipped up a wiggle skirt out of nude swimsuit lining. It's just enough opacity to do the trick, but not to add any extra weight.

I can see the little flaws that make it look home made, but I'm hoping that others won't when I wear it to the mini parties. I've also realized that I don't have a top that goes really well with this skirt. I need a cropped or peplum top. We'll see if I can whip one up in time for the conference.
This week is crazy busy, but I have so many things I want to share with you before I go MIA for the weekend. Oh how I wish there were more hours in the day!
Outfit Details:
- top: Target, refashioned
- earrings: IHAMLT
- belt: thrifted
- skirt: handmade
- shoes: thrifted
I thought I'd include some simple instructions on how I constructed it, in case you're interested in making your own. Read more for the full tutorial.

Construct your pattern on paper. I used a curved ruler to make the round shape. Lay the pattern on top of your fabric and weigh it down with weights. Cut your material. If you're doing sheer material like mine, two pieces for each layer you want to include. Interface your waist fabric with fusible interfacing.

Sew one side of your skirt together. I serged these two layers together.

If you're using a sheer or loose weave material, you'll want to serge, zig zag or hem the two open ends seperately so your skirt won't fray. You'll also want to stay-stitch your waist (a baste stitch all the way around the waist, just shy of your seam allowance).

Pin the waistband to the skirt, right sides together.

Insert your zipper below your waistband. You can follow instructions on your zipper or check out
this tutorial for invisible zipper insertion.

Sew the rest of the skirt, right sides together. Fold your waistband down about 1/2 inch, then fold in half to meet the original seam, making sure the raw edge of that original waist seam (and ends) will be encased. Sew the waist band down. I pinned the waistband, then sewed along the right side of the waistband so I could get a perfect top stitch. Add a clasp or button for the waistband. Hem the edge of your skirt using a
baby hem and you're done!