I have to give
Madeline a million thank yous for finding my dresser for me. I swear she spent all of her waking hours browsing KSL classifieds.
A couple weeks ago, I got a phone call from her saying that she'd found the perfect dresser. It had just been posted like 5 minutes prior & I needed to call the guy on it. I was currently at the bank, so I rushed home, looked up the listing & made a panicked phone call to see if it was still available. Much to my surprise, it was!! These things go in a matter of seconds. Seriously. He wasn't going to hold it for me for very long, so I packed the kiddos
back in the car & headed to meet the dresser of my dreams.

Granted, it's not the long & low style that I was hoping to find, but I love it anyway. It'll fit perfectly in our bedroom with enough space to spare for a full-length mirror (in the off chance I
ever find one I like). It definitely needs some TLC, but it's solid wood with dovetailed joints. The guy listed it for $75 and sold it to me for $65. YEAH, he went down even though he got a million calls on the dresser from the time I called to the time I showed up (15 minutes!). SWEET. Maybe he heard my Penelope whining in the back of the car & took pity on me. Bartering with babies works, folks.

I'm thrilled to have it! The plan is to strip it & stain it yellow. YELLOW! I'm so excited. It's going to match my
rocking chair. I am worried, however that it might be too much yellow, so I've been thinking of painting the drawers bright white. What do you think? Should I paint white accents somewhere on this dresser? If so, where?