It's been a while since I've done a Thrifty & Chic post!! Sheesh.
This post should really be called thrifty & lazy, because this year's halloween costume was kind of put together lazily and at the last minute. Are you familiar with the
Double Rainbow youtube video that has taken the whole world by storm? It's hilarious. If you're not familiar with it, stop right now & watch it before reading any further. Really.
Chris has really taken to this double rainbow video. He's a tad obsessed with it, afterall, it's a hoot! Last month while I was contemplating the meaning of life & what it all means I had a brilliant idea. We would dress up as double rainbow for halloween! YES! I called Chris right then & told him. He loved the idea. So what I decided was that Penelope would be the single rainbow, I would be double rainbow & Chris would be triple rainbow (it turns into a triple rainbow towards the end). We would all wear every color of the rainbow & have matching t-shirts with our corresponding rainbow names + a quote from the video.

Well, I got lazy. I did the shirts. I made sure Penelope wore every color & I pretty much got every color, but Chris sure didn't. I thought I'd just call it good when he offered to wear his rainbow brite hoodie (another t&c item I need to share with you!) over his shirt. Meh, that works. I also had this grand plan to get a picture of us all in our rainbow amazingness, but alas, too much work. We ended up posing for a last-minute photo just before the sun went down. Not the grand reveal of the costume I had fantasized, but whatever. I'm over it. It's practically Christmas here anyway.
Penelope wouldn't take off her cousin's cowboy hat for the photo without screaming. Silly Pen!
On the plus side, we all have these rad shirts that I made (using heat transfer + my Silhouette cutter) & I didn't spend a fortune. Wanna know how much our lazy costume cost? $7. Total. Everything I used we already had on hand except for Chris's shirt ($4) and Penelope's rainbow pants ($2.80). Not bad. I'm really happy with how our shirts turned out. I'm definitely going to wear mine a TON. What did you do for Halloween? I'd love to see costume pics! Add your link in the comments.