Sewing is perhaps one of my favorite Sunday activities. I try not to go all "Project Runway" by pinning, hemming and cussing as I'm walking out the door to church, I try to approach Sunday sewing from a more meditative perspective. Strange, I know.
Sewing can be so relaxing for me sometimes!

A couple of weeks ago I was in one of those moods. I had the time and the energy and blue thread already in my serger. I picked up this leftover fabric from
these leggings, the
Recess raglan pattern and set to work. I literally squeaked out every square inch of the leftover floral fabric! I had under 10 square inches of fabric left when I was done sewing up this dress. Kind of a proud moment to use up every scrap. Usually what happens is I have an awkward amount of fabric left over and I don't know what to do with it. Give it away? Throw it away? Try to recycle it to something else?

I opted for simple finishings with this dress. The sleeves and hem are raw with a simple band for the neckline. The knit on the sleeves is curling up ever so slightly now so it looks like it was left that way on purpose. The un-hemmed ruffle seems to finish off the bottom without an actual hem.

When I was sewing it up, I actually just eyeballed the length of the dress, assuming it would fit. And it did. But with Penelope growing so much, she'd be able to wear this as a dress for about 3 days before growing too tall for it. The ruffle adds the perfect amount of length to the bottom, letting it graze right at her knees so she'll have the whole summer to wear it alone, and the fall and winter to wear it with leggings.

The floral fabric is a 25% stretch cotton knit that I scored at the thrift store a couple years ago. I may have gotten the yardage for somewhere around $2 for 2 yards. $2 for leggings and a dress? Major win. :) I also love that this print has a lot of masculine colors incorporated with the feminine print. It just fits Penelope to a T. She's a girly girl getting more obsessed each day over hair, makeup and clothes; but there are only boys her age on our street. And she not only keeps up with them, but she keeps them on their toes. It's pretty cute.

One of Penelope's preschool teachers a few years ago told us, "She's the girliest tomboy I know." Which I think is the best of all worlds!

When I surprised Penelope with her new dress, she gave me the world's best reaction. Seriously, this girl knows how to make her mama feel loved and appreciated. Unfortunately I don't think I'll have time to sew her a fancypants Easter dress this year. I'm hoping to put something together after the holiday, though.

I told Penelope to strike her most adorable pose. This girl is ridiculous.
Do you have an Easter dress tradition in your house?