Since working on my hand-lettering, I've sort of looked for every excuse possible to address snail mail. So naturally I'm going to go all out on invitations for Penelope. Right?

I feel like invitations are the key to any party. The invitations are supposed to give a preview to what can be expected at a party. In this case: dinosaurs, pink & orange. For the design, I used my own handwriting,
Bebas (my fave) &
Gotham. I hand-illustrated the dinosaurs & heart.
I kept the invitations simple. The envelopes were just the perfect size for a quarter sheet of paper, so I ganged up 4 designs to a page & made sure that the design didn't have any bleeds so I could just cut the 8.5x11 inch paper in fourths. Once the design was done it took about 30 minutes to cut, stuff, seal & address the envelopes. Easy peasy.

I only sent out 10 invitations, so addressing them with my super fancy handwriting took no time.

Instead of licking every single envelope (I know there were only 10), I made a dino sticker (using Avery's 2" labels) and stuck that on the back. Looking back this would've been the perfect place to put the return address, but that'll just have to wait until next time.
• C L I C K H E R E T O S E E T H E P A R T Y D E T A I L S •
• C L I C K H E R E T O S E E T H E F A V O R S •