It's been a really nice Christmas break. Our family ventured to Phoenix (you can see our
shenanigans here). Chris is back home with his dad and brother trudging through the snow and skiing while I'm at the in-law's soaking up sun and eating all the grapefruit and oranges I can get my hands on.
I'm taking a minute (maybe you're rolling your eyes because every blog is doing this?), to look back at all the things I've done over the last year (boy I've grown a lot). Here are my favorites in no particular order.

I revamped a
beautiful coat to fit in the 21st century, I made
stamps out of leather, Felix loves his
new leggings and I lengthened a dress with the
powers of colorblocking.

I wrote a few
thank yous, I
finally launched my
online calligraphy workshop, I sewed a
few neat outfits for Penelope and I refashioned a
reversible maternity/nursing top.

I made a
tote bag out of a pillow case, I finally shared how to
color block leather, I started the
zero budget project and
I painted magnets.
I refashioned trousers into a skirt, I refashioned
trousers into a skirt again, I designed a
pretty bag and I made a
high-low skirt.

I finally settled on a
color for the dresser, I
upholstered some stools, Penelope loves her
cosby sweater and
I can't resist the combination of bows and leather.
Now looking forward. . .
Things may be quiet on the surface around here, but there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes. I'm just polishing off a rebrand (6 months in the works) that Chris now has the daunting task of coding. The new look will highlight content more and you'll be able to find old content easier. I'll talk about the restructuring later.
I'm also feverishly working on completing this year's Alt Summit Business cards, several items of clothing (each outfit at Alt will have one or more handmade item in the mix - ambitious, I know) and a few side projects for friends. Chris gave me a serger for Christmas (!!!) which will make a few of those projects much easier. Over the break, I learned to use my mother-in-law's coverstitch machine and I'm completely hooked. I believe my handmade wardrobe just got dialed up a notch.