As a goal for this year, I promised myself I'd take time out to sew each week. It hasn't happened as religiously as I would like, but it's happened. I've made a couple of little outfits for June and Pen. I'm in the middle of a couple projects for me. It's been great to do some non-work, just-for-fun sewing. It relaxes me. But apparently it stresses the heck out of June.

Lately she's been in such a terrible mood. She's got most of her teeth now so I wonder if she's getting her two-year-old molars super early. What else would explain how a normally chill kid freaks out at the littlest thing? She wouldn't have any part of this little photoshoot I set up for her yesterday. I still think she's the cutest anyway.

Around Valentine's day, I made her this matching babydoll set. I found the fabric in my stash from a fabric swap years ago. It's a soft, light-weight knit with oversized florals. The color scheme is a little more "Christmas" than it is "emerging spring" but the lightweight long-sleeves are great for those days when the sun is warm but the temperatures are still cool. Also, the dark fabrics hide all the gross stains she gets along her front for refusing to wear a bib. I'm all in favor of hiding those stains.

I designed the top with an empire waist and low back. The low back is so adorable! I think it's got to be my new favorite design element on kids' clothes right now.

The pants are little harem pants with a gathered waistband. She gets range of motion and I get an incredibly easy sewing project. I didn't hem any of it besides the neckline. That biz has to be reinforced, but everything else has curled up nicely to look purposefully finished.

Despite her terrible mood she is absolutely so adorable.
Outfit & Photo details: