Last night was the storm of the year. We woke up to about 3 inches of pure ice. So today I decided to refashion something that I was thinking about saving until next fall/winter. With all this cold, wet weather I know this will get a lot of use.

Some great friends of ours gave this sweatshirt to Chris. It's AMAZING. I love the geometric shape. Chris got some use out of it, then he started working out and gained a bunch of weight. The man is a beast, so I stole this from him.
It's pretty big on me. Mostly the pits and upper arms are the biggest. It's also too long in the sleeves.

So, I grabbed my favorite sweater and used it as a template for taking in the sides and shortening the sleeves. Once I pinned and marked the sides, it was a 20 minute fix. It made all the difference in the world.

I'm pretty stoked about this new sweater, the geometric lines are amazing.

Outfit details:
- sweater: hand-me-down, thrifted
- pants: Anthropologie, refashioned
- shoes: Eddie Bauer, hand-me-down