Recently I've been obsessed with the
Design*Sponge website. I seriously read it as often as I can, it is such a great website for
DIY ideas and
Before & After Projects. Once a week the website highlights one or two homes that have incredible design. I like it a lot, mostly because I can relate to the style of the decor and because it links to various projects to beautify your home.
This morning while I was browsing the website, I noticed that Grace had posted several
Before & After chair projects. They are all so inspiring, and many of them (the
wing-back chairs especially) are above my skill level. Maybe someday I'll be good at reupholstering complicated furniture, but for now I will stick to the simple stuff. It's kind of funny that Grace decided to post all of the chair ideas today, because yesterday I did my own little Before & After chair project. I guess chair reupholstering is in the air. Here is my Before and After....

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I like how the after picture turned out more than the before picture (obviously). The reason why I reupholstered this perfectly functional ikea desk chair is because it's too hard. I'm sitting on the computer (pathetically enough) a large part of the day, and my pregnant behind aches after sitting in it for 15 minutes. So, I just added on some high density foam–left over from
Nelly P's crib mattress–and stapled on a new cover. The fabric was found at the Fabrix and More distribution a couple of months ago. So, this project was very 'green', I recycled fabric and high density foam that otherwise would have been thrown away. No more sore behind for this pregnant girl!!