Happy Fourth of July!
July 5, 2010Hope you had a happy fourth of July weekend! I sure did. My parents were here visiting from Charlotte, so we packed the weekend full of barbecues, pool parties & dinners.
Friday, my folks treated me, my siblings & our kids to Toy Story 3; Penelope sat sweetly on my lap the whole time & I just about bawled my eyes out. Friday night we hung out with my dad's family and I got a peek at my uncle's new iPhone4.
Saturday, my dad & I ate lunch at Bruge's Waffles & Frites where we enjoyed the most delicious waffles & fries & fry sauce ever. Seriously. EVER. Saturday afternoon we partied with my mom's family & went swimming. Not sure I've ever seen Penelope so petrified of water before.
Sunday, I barely squeezed into this patriotic outfit; I must've gained weight or something in the last month because that skirt does NOT fit anymore. Oh well. Sunday evening we dined with my grandparents; Penelope & her cousin had way too much fun playing with dress-ups, toy guns & water.
Of course I forgot to bring my camera to every single thing this weekend! I seriously missed out on some great photo ops. BLERG!
How was your holiday weekend? What did you do?