SNOOZEFEST!! Yes. Another pair of leggings. In a
floral print, no less. I just can't seem to wear anything else these days. It's all about comfy dresses and stretchy pants. I've been swelling more with this pregnancy than the last two (likely the fact that this is the first summer pregnancy I've had). No complaints, I just have to be mindful of what will and won't work with my expanding and contracting body.

I tried to wear jeans the other day, and within 15 minutes I was grumpy because of how restricted I felt. As soon as I switched back to stretchy pants, I was back to my cheerful self! These pants are magical! Family accord is again restored!

I found this double knit 4-way stretch fabric at the thrift store on a complete whim. It's very opaque with great stretch. Perfect for passing off leggings as pants. I keep meaning to pick up stretch denim to make more pants-like leggings, but that hasn't happened yet.
I have only one shirt at this point that covers my backside, so I just own it and look forward to the day when I can dedicate more time to sewing a few tunic tops for the last 10 weeks of this pregnancy. YES. We're almost in the single digits for weeks left! I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has just flown by.

Time for some nesting. And baby clothes making!

Outfit details:
- earrings: Bijou Market
- necklace: c/o Sole Society
- top: H&M
- leggings: handmade
- bracelets: thrifted
- shoes: c/o Sole Society