Last weekend we had a neighborhood party & I was in charge of coming up with an activity to do with the older elementary aged kids that were going. We had a fish pond with prizes for the little ones (the older ones could participate, too) so I thought I'd do something that could apply to both the young & the older kids:
styrofoam printmaking.

I did a tutorial on this a while back & I
use it every once in a while. It's an easy, low-cost, low-commitment craft that's perfect for any age from 3+. It was a huge success & I just loved what these creative kiddos did! They're so inspiring. I'm really feeling the urge to do some oil painting & printmaking.

I like posting these kinds of pictures (above) every once in a while. Come on, how many people actually keep their studios clean & magazine ready?? I sure don't. I'm cooking up 4 projects simultaneously, so there's more crud around the room than usual. Let's keep it real around here; I'm a messy, messy person & I clean up pretty much only when I know visitors are coming. Do you do that? Chris doesn't. He's naturally super clean & organized. I'm going to brag: just last night he mopped the floors & did all the dishes while I was at my cousin's bridal shower. I hadn't touched the dishes since we got back from Phoenix last Thursday. That's what
sweet nothings are for, right?
Currently, I've got some calligraphy, mending, decorating, designing, cleaning, leather crafting & refashioning to do. I will be so proud of myself if I get it finished in the next week.