I've never been to Japan. Chris has; he went as a youngin' with his boy's choir. Lucky. I hope to someday visit & enjoy the glories of that country. Can you believe what happened there last week? I was just shocked to
see the devastation the tsunami caused and my heart goes out to all those affected by the earthquake & the ensuing tsunami.

I want to help out in some way. Seriously, sometimes I think what difference can a girl like me make? It's not like I have all the time & money in the world. Maybe we can all pitch in and make a difference. So I'd like to send a fun sticker* to anyone who donates their time and/or money to the relief efforts in Japan & fill out the google form below.
Click here to donate to the Red Cross.
Click here to watch Love Letter to Japan music video by the bird & the bee.
• U P D A T E ! •

The stickers have all been spoken for! However, feel free to still donate to the Red Cross & other organizations. Help is still needed. Cheers!! If you've signed up for a sticker, I'll be sending them out mid-week next week. Thanks for your donations!
*While supplies last.