I'm all about quick and easy crafts these days. This one took me mmm. . . five minutes? maybe three. It's so fast.
How to make a trash can out of a cereal box & wallpaper (or wrapping paper)
Step 1: Staple down the flaps (adds strength)

Step 2: Cut paper to size and tape down ( I used double sided tape for this part, so that the tape wouldn't show. Everywhere else I used very strong packaging tape)

Step 3: For the opening, cut the paper at each corner. Fold to the inside and tape.

Step 4: Fold extra paper like you would wrap a gift. Tape down.

Step 5: Insert plastic bag (I use old grocery bags) and start throwing your trash away!

I made this trash can for my car about a month ago and it is such a lifesaver. I can just throw Penelope's diapers in there, and not worry about them soiling the car (or worse, my purse). We use this all the time. I suspect you could also modify this to hold toys, games, etc for long car rides.